Edelweiss MF SIP Campaign 728x90

Historical Mutual Fund NAV of SBI Focused Equity Reg Gr

NAV Date NAV (Rs)
25-02-2025 314.7263
24-02-2025 313.6602
21-02-2025 315.823
20-02-2025 320.1373
19-02-2025 320.9861
18-02-2025 318.5474
17-02-2025 318.9641
14-02-2025 320.0489
13-02-2025 322.7941
12-02-2025 321.1009
11-02-2025 321.7389
10-02-2025 326.8403
07-02-2025 329.1976
06-02-2025 330.0851
05-02-2025 332.2354
04-02-2025 334.0917
03-02-2025 329.9239
31-01-2025 329.3349
30-01-2025 327.1784
29-01-2025 324.7854
28-01-2025 320.5474
27-01-2025 318.1853
24-01-2025 324.1309
23-01-2025 324.9535
22-01-2025 323.1338
21-01-2025 324.3454
20-01-2025 327.5722
17-01-2025 325.6549
16-01-2025 326.917
15-01-2025 325.399
14-01-2025 321.6392
13-01-2025 317.7189
10-01-2025 324.1671
09-01-2025 327.5427
08-01-2025 329.2241
07-01-2025 331.4358
06-01-2025 330.5842
03-01-2025 334.0881
02-01-2025 335.6438
01-01-2025 330.7763
31-12-2024 329.3614
30-12-2024 327.7706
27-12-2024 330.6503
26-12-2024 331.2525
24-12-2024 330.351
23-12-2024 330.5667
20-12-2024 329.5857
19-12-2024 333.2373
18-12-2024 334.7897
17-12-2024 338.466
16-12-2024 341.8207
13-12-2024 339.8793
12-12-2024 338.7645
11-12-2024 339.5605
10-12-2024 337.2336
09-12-2024 335.5083
06-12-2024 335.4147
05-12-2024 333.8819
04-12-2024 334.3167
03-12-2024 333.0902
02-12-2024 331.2446
30-11-2024 329.2829
29-11-2024 329.2919
28-11-2024 326.9217
27-11-2024 327.8974
26-11-2024 328.293
25-11-2024 327.7206
22-11-2024 324.588
21-11-2024 320.7161
19-11-2024 325.3194
18-11-2024 323.0088
14-11-2024 323.9058
13-11-2024 323.334
12-11-2024 328.6672
11-11-2024 331.2692
08-11-2024 332.2243
07-11-2024 333.4186
06-11-2024 334.9834
05-11-2024 331.5774
04-11-2024 328.9523
31-10-2024 331.3533
30-10-2024 333.2746
29-10-2024 333.6928
28-10-2024 330.3612
25-10-2024 330.0139
24-10-2024 332.1135
23-10-2024 331.3052
22-10-2024 332.1997
21-10-2024 335.947
18-10-2024 338.2079
17-10-2024 337.0552
16-10-2024 340.1795
15-10-2024 340.9701
14-10-2024 339.9127
11-10-2024 338.4721
10-10-2024 337.0221
09-10-2024 336.6002
08-10-2024 333.7149
07-10-2024 330.4931
04-10-2024 335.1169
03-10-2024 337.7553
01-10-2024 343.2614
30-09-2024 344.1412
27-09-2024 346.5022
26-09-2024 348.0595
25-09-2024 346.1349
24-09-2024 346.1997
23-09-2024 345.9014
20-09-2024 344.4093
19-09-2024 341.9794
18-09-2024 340.0272
17-09-2024 339.4802
16-09-2024 338.9072
13-09-2024 340.1484
12-09-2024 338.5812
11-09-2024 333.6323
10-09-2024 332.8412
09-09-2024 330.7718
06-09-2024 330.6666
05-09-2024 332.898
04-09-2024 333.8985
03-09-2024 334.4475
02-09-2024 335.3117
31-08-2024 334.9072
30-08-2024 334.918
29-08-2024 332.4228
28-08-2024 332.6673
27-08-2024 332.8991
26-08-2024 331.9186
23-08-2024 331.194
22-08-2024 331.4818
21-08-2024 329.5907
20-08-2024 328.0884
19-08-2024 326.9901
16-08-2024 326.3397
14-08-2024 322.1521
13-08-2024 324.1274
12-08-2024 325.9217
09-08-2024 325.1934
08-08-2024 324.0146
07-08-2024 324.1266
06-08-2024 321.02
05-08-2024 322.9104
02-08-2024 333.0418
01-08-2024 333.9197
31-07-2024 333.8034
30-07-2024 331.6413
29-07-2024 331.3686
26-07-2024 331.531
25-07-2024 325.1105
24-07-2024 324.9512
23-07-2024 326.3041
22-07-2024 328.2239
19-07-2024 328.077
18-07-2024 331.7063
16-07-2024 332.3524
15-07-2024 331.8622
12-07-2024 330.8034
11-07-2024 331.4573
10-07-2024 332.318
09-07-2024 331.4063
08-07-2024 330.5136
05-07-2024 331.8976
04-07-2024 329.886
03-07-2024 328.7813
02-07-2024 326.3901
01-07-2024 326.7242
30-06-2024 324.3179
28-06-2024 324.3385
27-06-2024 326.6036
26-06-2024 324.4676
25-06-2024 323.2223
24-06-2024 321.161
21-06-2024 319.8591
20-06-2024 318.9383
19-06-2024 319.5103
18-06-2024 321.1158
14-06-2024 320.8218
13-06-2024 320.1819
12-06-2024 319.7035
11-06-2024 317.9212
10-06-2024 317.3054
07-06-2024 316.1635
06-06-2024 312.793
05-06-2024 310.0397
04-06-2024 300.9359
03-06-2024 314.8074
31-05-2024 308.5978
30-05-2024 306.9586
29-05-2024 309.2609
28-05-2024 312.4795
27-05-2024 310.5413
24-05-2024 307.714
23-05-2024 307.5663
22-05-2024 305.8529
21-05-2024 304.5589
17-05-2024 304.3882
16-05-2024 303.2051
15-05-2024 301.0348
14-05-2024 300.3478
13-05-2024 300.7123
10-05-2024 300.539
09-05-2024 297.7843
08-05-2024 301.8436
07-05-2024 301.8775
06-05-2024 302.9801
03-05-2024 303.4759
02-05-2024 304.3079
30-04-2024 304.5699
29-04-2024 304.1297
26-04-2024 302.6998
25-04-2024 300.8551
24-04-2024 299.7434
23-04-2024 298.9128
22-04-2024 296.1159
19-04-2024 294.2828
18-04-2024 293.6383
16-04-2024 292.225
15-04-2024 293.4188
12-04-2024 296.5628
10-04-2024 297.0506
09-04-2024 297.2246
08-04-2024 297.0536
05-04-2024 295.884
04-04-2024 295.8852
03-04-2024 297.0459
02-04-2024 294.7417
01-04-2024 295.7648
31-03-2024 292.5949
28-03-2024 292.6212
27-03-2024 290.6189
26-03-2024 291.7402

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